Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Inexperience Can Lead to Tragedy

Inexperience Can Lead to Tragedy

Recently, I had the privilege to host an interview with a man who has a very riveting story to share. Although his story was one that we all hope to never experience, he has turned a tragic event into a mission to help others prevent the same happening to them.

You see, Chris Fore, as an adolescent was just beginning to move into a new chapter in his life. He was the typical American high school student who had the world ahead of him… an athlete with a promising future… raised with good moral values and very active in his church. He had the world in front of him and it looked brighter than ever.

Then one night everything changed.

Chris was just 16 when he experienced an event so terrible, that it would forever change the course of his future. But worse, it would ultimately end the future of his good friend.

One night after bible study, Chris and his friends decided to drive over to another friend’s house to finish the evening playing basketball. Chris’s friend, who was driving, had just gotten his driver’s license earlier that day, and as they were driving through rural neighborhoods with many somewhat blind driveways, he caved in to peer pressure and pushed his vehicle beyond a safe speed.

His inexperience as a driver led to an accident that ended his life and left a memory with those that survived the crash that would last for as long as they lived.

Chris survived the car crash to share the story to hopefully, make teens realize how dangerous driving really is. Chris spent the next several months in a wheel chair and his aspirations of becoming a star athlete diminished.

Today, Chris is a high school football coach where every day he preaches his message of teen driver safety. He speaks on this subject every opportunity he gets and has turned this tragedy into a lifelong mission of preventing the same happening to those he influences.

Again, I had the privilege to speak with Chris and I would like to help him share his story with you… in his own words. If you would like a free copy of my interview with Chris, please send me an e-mail at or call my office at 724.225.3120.

Billy Proudfit

PS - Peer pressure, inexperience, and speeding are the leading causes of teenage deaths in our country. There are steps that you can take to possibly prevent or at least, reduce the likelihood of this happening to your family. I would like to help you. Please let me know if I can.